Geschichte der Deutschen in Syracuse
und Onondaga County
Nebst Kurzen Biographien
von Beamten und Hervorragenden Buergern

Fred Renk
Friedrich ("Fred") Renk
[Photo appears in ad on page 248]

Fred Renk
Friedrich ("Fred") Renk
[Photo appears in ad on page 248.]

Biographische Skizzen

Friedrich Renk

Friedrich Renk wurde am 6. Mai 1852 in Wallhausen, Württemberg, geboren, woselbst er die Gemeindeschule besuchte und dann das Metzgergeschäft in Creilsheim erlernte. Im Jahre 1871 wanderte er nach Amerika aus, wo er sich zunächst nach Utica begab; aber im Jahre 1874 nach Syracuse übersiedelte. Er betreibt hier ein erfolgreiches Fleisch und Wurstgeschäft, Wholesale & Retail. In Folge seiner strengen Rechtlichkeit und seines gemüthlichen Wesens ist er in den weitesten Kreisen vortheilhaft bekannt. Er ist seit dem 9. Juni 1874 mit Elisabeth Häfner verheirathet, hat 6 Kinder, von denen noch 5 am Leben sind.[:] Friedrich Renk Jr., Maria Anna, Ottilie und Christina Renk. Herr Renk ist eines der eifrigsten Mitglieder des Schwaben-Vereins und wohnt 405 Pondstrasse. [page 290]

Friedrich Renk was born on the 6th of May 1852 in Wallhausen, Württemberg, where he attended the local school, and then learned the butcher business in Creilsheim. In the year 1871 he emigrated to America, where he went first to Utica, and then in the year 1874 moved on to settle in Syracuse. Here he operates a successful meat and sausage business, wholesale and retail. In consequence of his strict uprightness [Rechtlichkeit] and warm and friendly [gemüthlichen] ways, he is well-known by all far and wide. He has been married since 9 June 1874 to Elisabeth Häfner and had 6 children, 5 of whom are still living: Friedrich Renk Jr., Maria Anna, Otilie, and Christina Renk. [sic; was there a missing comma and were Maria and Anna two different girls?]. Mr. Renk is one of the most enthusiastic members of the Swabia Society and lives at 405 Pond Street.

Copyright 2008 Michelle Stone. Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a public service by M. Stone using automatic online translation services, and Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please email me.

The following photographs are part of the Clifton Family Collection and appear here with kind permission:

Fred Renk family photo
Friedrich ("Fred") Renk
probably taken in the 1880's

Back of Fred Renk family photo
The back of Friedrich Renk's photo
showing imprint of John Winter's photography studio, Syracuse

Renk's Meat Market receipt
Fred Renk's meat market receipt form,
early 1900's

Renk's meat market and employees
Employees in front of Fred Renk's meat market at 405 Pond Street, Syracuse, date unknown.
Fred Renk, the proprietor, was probably the man in the apron.
His son, Fred Renk, Jr., known to work in the store with his father,
is probably also in this photo.

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