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Geschichte der Deutschen in Syracuse und Onondaga County,
Nebst Kurzen Biographien
von Beamten und Hervorragenden Buergern.

Illustrirtes Handbuch Wissenswerthen Inhaltes.
Herausgegeben von der "Syracuse Union."
Druck von J. P. Pinzer, 466 N. Salina-Strasse, Syracuse, N.Y.

English translation:

History of the German People
in Syracuse and Onondaga County
with short biographies
of officials and prominent citizens

Author: Syracuse Union
Published Syracuse, NY, 1897;
copyright filed that year with the Library of Congress by J.P. Pinzer
304 pages, paperback, illustrations
LOC Call no. F/129/S8S95

Introductory comments by Michelle Stone:

This German-language publication produced by the Syracuse Union, one of the German-language newspapers of Syracuse of the time, was intended to be a sort of compendium of German history, heritage, and culture in Syracuse and environs up to the year 1897. Not only does it contain a lengthy historical essay; it also offers photographs and engravings ("Bilder") of Syracuse citizens and landmarks; advertisements ("Anzeigen," many of them in German) of sponsoring businesses; a directory of German-American affiliated social, political, and church organizations ("Logen und Vereine"); and of course the brief biographical sketches ("Biographische Skizzen") of prominent citizens and officials.

I have also now created an entirely new and complete INDEX to the entire book.

Wherever possible I have included texts in both English and German, and will continue to update this. (Volunteers for German-to-English translations are welcome! Please email me.) The German transcriptions are true to the book, including typographical errors and old-fashioned spelling and terminology. Editorial comments and corrections inserted by me appear in brackets [ ]. It is with deepest gratitude I acknowledge the debt I owe to Herr Friedrich Hüttenberger for his generous and skilled guidance, comments, translations, and corrections concerning this text. Also, many thanks to Ms. Jean Palmer at the Onondaga County Public Library for special help.

The book contains no table of contents, so I have compiled one below.

Original copies of this book may be found at:

See a facsimile of this book online here.

A similar book, for further study:
  • Buffalo und Sein Deutschtum [Buffalo, New York and Its German Community] - an online original (1911-1912) text in German, with English translation by Susan Kriegbaum-Hanks; MA, German Language and Literature and MLS: http://www.archivaria.com/BusDHistory/BusD0.html


[with English translations where available, and page numbers--in brackets]

[One-page introductory message, in English, by James K. McGuire, Mayor of Syracuse, dated June 17, 1897 followed by a one-page version of the same introduction, in German – no page numbers]

Vorwort [one-page Foreword, no page number]

Geschichte der deutschen Einwanderung [History of German Emigration—a very broad and early introduction; 14]

Unter englischer herrschaft [Under English Rule; 19]

Beginn der Massen-Einwanderung [Beginning of Widespread Emigration; 23]

Die Pfaelzer Einwanderung [Emigration of the Palatines—including the emigration of the Krefelders to colonial Pennsylvania, etc.; 29]

Die Pfaelzer und Schwaben im Schoharie-Thal. [The emigration of Germans from the Pfalz and Schwabia to the Schoharie, New York area; 35]

Deutsche Ansiedler im Mohawk-Thal. [German settlers in the Mohawk, New York area; 37]

Lebensweise der Ansiedler [Way of Life of the Settlers; 43]

Die Deutschen im Kampf fuer die Freiheit [The Germans in the Struggle for Freedom; 49]

Einwanderung seit dem Unabhaengigkeitskrieg [Emigration since the War of Independence; 57]

Geschichte von Onondaga County [History of Onondaga County—a general historical summary; 61]

Die Stadt Syracuse [The City of Syracuse—its origins and earliest development; 75]

Note: the information contained in the sections above is very general and can be found in many English-language texts. The information contained in the sections below is specific to the German community in Onondaga County and is therefore the crucial content of this book.

Die ersten Deutschen in Onondaga-County [The First Germans in Onondaga County; 78]

Die Deutschen in Syracuse [The Germans in Syracuse; 89]

Von 1825-1840 [From 1825-1840; 93]
Der "Patriotenkrieg" [The Patriots' War; 102]
Von 1840-1850 [From 1840-1850; 109]

Von 1850-1860 [From 1850-1860; 121]

Die Befreiung Des Sklaven "Jerry" [The Freeing of the Slave "Jerry"; 126]
Ein Weihnachts-Episode Aus Dem Jahre 1852 [A Christmas Episode in the Year 1852; 130]

Von 1860-1870 [From 1860-1870; 140]

Logen und Vereine [Directory of Lodges and Organizations section; 142-247 intermittent (pages 142, 144, 146, 150, 154, 156, 160, 178, 180, 182, 184, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 210, 212, 214, 216, 226, 228, 230, 232, 242, 244, 246, 248)]

Waehrend des Buergerkriegs [During the Civil War; 147]
Butler’s Zouaven [ Butler's Zouaves; 147]
Das Turner-Regiment [ The Turner Regiment; 149]
Das 12. Regiment [ The 12th Regiment; 153]
Das 101. Regiment [ The 101st Regiment; 157]
Das 149. Regiment [ The 149th Regiment; 162]
Das 185. Regiment [ The 185th Regiment; 169]
Das 15. Cavallerie-Regiment [ The 15th Cavalry Regiment; 174]
1. Leichtes Artillerie Regiment [ 1st Light Artillery Regiment; 174]
Von 1870-1880 [From 1870-1880; 193]
Das Friedensfest [The Peace Celebration; 203]
Von 1880-1896 [From 1880-1896; 215]
Das Deutsche Pionierfest [The German Pioneer Festival; 223; includes a list of German "pioneers" and the years when they arrived in Syracuse, 1830-1851.]
1897 [1897; 227]

Nachtrag [Addendum, dealing with places in the county outside of Syracuse, and other miscellaneous matters and corrections; page 236]

Die "Syracuse Union" [ The "Syracuse Union" - About the newspaper that published this book; 249]

Schlusswort des Verfassers [Closing words of the Author; 250]

Biographische Skizzen [My index of Biographical Sketches of Prominent Germans and German-Americans in Onondaga County; 252]

Index der Bilder [My index of illustrations; 301]

Index der Anzeigen [My index of advertisements; 303]

Copyright information printed on back of book: Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the Year 1897, by J.P. Pinzer, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Michelle Stone's new and complete INDEX to the book
