Geschichte der Deutschen in Syracuse und Onondaga County
Nebst Kurzen Biographien
von Beamten und Hervorragenden Buergern

Mathias Rauch
Mathias Rauch
[Photo appears on page 193.]

Rauch ad
Rauch Furniture Store advertisement
[Ad appears on page 192.]

Biographische Skizzen

Matthias Rauch

wurde am 23. September 1822 zu Selz, im Elsass, geboren, besuchte seine heimathliche Schule und kam im Alter von 12 Jahren nach Syracuse. Im Alter von 13 Jahren kam er als Lehrling in die Schreinerwerkstätte von Ashley & Milliston. In 1854 fing er an der Ecke von N. Salina- und Laurelstrasse ein eigenes Geschäft an. Von 1860-65 hatte er sein Geschäft im Washington-Gebäude, S. Salinastr., und von 1865-88 in Corinthian Hall an N. Salinastrasse, bis er 1888 das grosse Gebäude an derselben Strasse (nahe Willow) errichtete, worin er bis zu seinem am 16. Mai 1892 erfolgten Tode ein äusserst erfolgreiches Möbelgeschäft betrieb. Er verheirathete sich 1843 mit Fräulein Susanna Remlinger und hatte 9 Kinder: Joseph Rauch, Frau Elisabeth Moosbrugger, Franz A. Rauch, Rosa F. Paulus, Julia Hopstein und Maria L. Traugott, welche noch leben. Gestorben sind 3 Söhne. Seine Gattin starb am 2. Juli, 1896. [pages 289-290]

Matthias Rauch was born on the 23rd of September 1822 in Selz, in Alsace, attended his native school, and came at the age of 12 years to Syracuse. At the age of 13 years he became an apprentice in the carpenter shop of Ashley & Milliston. In 1854 he started his own business at the corner of North Salina and Laurel Streets. Between 1860 and 1865 he had his business in the Washington Building on South Salina Street, and from 1865 to 1888 it was located in Corinthian Hall on North Salina Street, until he erected in 1888 the large building on the same street (near Willow), where he operated an extremely successful furniture business until his death on 16 May 1892. He was wedded in 1843 to Miss Susanna Remlinger and had 9 children: Joseph Rauch, Mrs. Elisabeth Moosbrugger, Franz A. Rauch, Rosa F. Paulus, Julia Hopstein and Maria L. Traugott, who are still living. Three sons have died. His wife died on the 2nd of July 1896.

Copyright 2008 Michelle Stone. Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a public service by M. Stone using automatic online translation services, and Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please email me.

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