German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ehrmantraut
Newspaper clippings on their Golden Wedding Anniversary, 1914

German article, photos
German article, text
"Nicholaus und Henrietta Ehrmantraut.
6. August, 1864-1914"
The article above appeared in the German-language newspaper,
Syracuse Union, date unknown (1914). This clipping
was preserved in the Kreischer family German Bible;
evidently Johann Jacob and Katharina Gilcher Kreischer
were friends of the Ehrmantrauts in Syracuse.

Article in English, photos
Article in English, text
"Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ehrmantraut"
The article above appeared in the Syracuse Post-Standard,
date unknown (August 1914). This clipping was preserved
in the Kreischer family German Bible; evidently
Johann Jacob and Katharina Gilcher Kreischer were friends
of the Ehrmantrauts in Syracuse.
Text of Post-Standard article in English

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