German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Miscellaneous page from an undated membership list
of the Syracuse Turn-Verein

Colby - Cramer

Colby - Cramer

Names on page above: Colby, Jas. W.; Colebrook, Fred S.; Colebrook, W. H.; Conda, M. L.; Conklin, S.; Connolly, John J.; Connor, T. G.; Connors, John J.; Conroy, M. J.; Considine, Thos. P.; Cook, Geo. L.; Cook; H.; Cook, John A.; Cook, Joseph A.; Cornell, B. E.; Cosgrove, Thos. J.; Coughlin, P.; Crain, Chas.; Cramer, Earl. D; Cramer, Theo. C.

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