
German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Syracusans arriving at Ellis Island, New York, 1892-1924

Surnames J - L

The following names of passengers specifying Syracuse as their home (or in some cases, their destination) were extracted in 2005 by M. Stone from the Ellis Island website at: with the help of Stephen P. Morse's excellent search engines at: and

For more information, check the original passenger manifests at the Ellis Island website or the microfilmed records of the National Archives. No guarantee or warranty of completeness or accuracy is implied.



Jacab, Abraham, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 37
Jackson, Herbert, Syracuse, Wash., 1924, 36
Jacob, Arthur, Syrakuse, N.Y. U.S.A., 1913, 28
Jacob, Joseph, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 68
Jacob, Joseph M., Syracuse, NY, 1922, 72
Jacobs, Marcus, Syracuse, 1913, 54
[Jacobs] Bots Jacobs, Mary S., Syracuse, USA, 1908, 30
Jacobson, Minnie, Syracuse, N. York, 1913, 51
Jacobson, Nathan, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 57
Jacubowicz, Marcus, Syracuse, New York, 1906, 47
Jacunskaja, Antonina, Syracuse, U.S., 1913, 24
[Jaeckel] Gaeckel, Fred W., Syracuse, N.Y, 1908, 38
Jagiello, Piote, Syrcuse, NY, USA, 1920, 25
James, Arthur, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 50
Jameson, Robert, Syracuse, N. Y., U.S.A., 1910, 23
Jankowski, Frank, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 27
Jarl, Agnes Dorth., Syracuse, N. Y., 1914, 20
Jauson, Mathilda, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 35
Jayne, Grace, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 40
Jaynes, Almon, Syracuse, 1913, 36
Jenkins, Arthur Burdett, Syracuse, New York, 1919, 25
Jenner, Edward H, Syracuse, N Y, 1911, 30
Jenner, Harry, Syracuse, U.S., 1913, 30
Jennes, Frank, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 59
Jennes, Kate, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 57
Jenney, Cornelia, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 15
Jennings, Marion, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1921, 31
Jennings, William Basil, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1921, 41
Jenny, Caroline K, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 45
Jentsch, Marthe, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1915, 28
Jewks, Stanislaw, Syracuse, NY., USA, 1920, 28
Jim, Fanny, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 36
Jim, Hrisula, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 9
Jim, Mike, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 38
Jochim, Anna, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 11
Jochim, Helene, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 0
Jochim, Johann, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 30
Jochim, Johann, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 2
Jochim, Maria, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 40
Jochim, Maria, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 5
Joedt, Adam, Syracuse, 1893, 40
Joehudi, Franz, Syracuse, USA, 1907, 17
Joel, Solomon, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 50
Johanson, Gustaf O., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1908, 26
Johnson, Amelia Belle, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 63
Johnson, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 48
Johnson, Blanche, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 33
Johnson, Charles, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 62
Johnson, Chas. Clifford, Syracuse, N. Y., 1915, 25
Johnson, Clara, Syracuse, N.Y., America, 1914, 28
Johnson, Cora, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 38
Johnson, Della Marguerite, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 50
Johnson, Donald, Syracuse, NY, 1917, 22
Johnson, Edna V., Syracuse, N. Y., 1915, 26
Johnson, Ella, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 57
Johnson, Irene, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 33
Johnson, Irene, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 46
Johnson, Irene, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 50
Johnson, Thurlow, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 57
Johnson, Thurlow, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 67
Johnson, William Leo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 23
Johnstone, Harry A., Syracuse, New York, U. S. A., 1914, 37
Jones, Caroline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 33
Jones, Eliza, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 65
Jones, Evan, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 64
Jones, Hugh Thomas, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 61
Jones, Josephine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 30
Jones, Margaret, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25
Jones, Robert P., Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A., 1907, 19
Jostin, William Henry, Syracuse N.Y., U.S.A., 1913, 21
Joy, Nicholas, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 30
Joyce, Stephen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1910, 45
Joyce, Thomas, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 51
Judson, Harriet E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 57
Judyk, Wiktor, Syracuse, America, 1911, 30
Julio, Vittorio, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 31
Julio, Vittorio, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 29
Just, John Agustus, Syracus, 1905
Just, Laura, Syracus, 1905
Justi, Constantia, Syracuse, 1892, 21
Justi, John, Syracuse, 1892, 24
Juszezyk, Waurzynice, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1910, 37


K...ber, L..., Syracus, N.Y., 1914
Kaczorowska, Stanislaw, Syracuse, America, 1914, 25
Kaelber, Marie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 43
Kaiser, Amelia, Syracuse, N. J., 1924, 32
Kaiser, Frank, Syracuse, 1914, 53
Kaiser, Joseph, Syracuse, N. J., 1924, 35
Kaiser, Julia, Syracuse, 1914, 47
Kajusnisk, Jan, Syracuse, NY, 1911, 28
Kalinowski, Michal, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 32
Kallberg, Signe, Syraccuse, N. Y., U S A, 1923, 27
Kane, Annie C., Syracuse, New York, 1920, 0
Kane, Hilda, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 28
Kane, Hilda Margaret, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 4
Kane, Howard, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 21
Kane, Howard, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 22
Kane, John Joseph, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 37
Kane, William, Syracuse, USA, 1920, 54
Kane, Wm. E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 47
Kanellos, Anastasios, Syracus, N.Y., 1921, 49
Kaplan, Arthur, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 19
Kaplan, Henrietta, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 31
Karjewski, Maryan, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 31
Karol, Adela, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 9
Karol, Julia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 30
Kaufman, Ada, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 27
Kaufman, Jacob, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 30
Kaufman, Julis, Syracuse, New York, 1913, 3
Kaufman, Mrs. T.J., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912
Kaufman, Olive, Syracuse, New York, 1913, 26
Kaufman, Philip, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 28
Kaufman, T.J., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912
Kaufmann, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 49
Kaufmann, Anna, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 59
Kaufmann, Anna L., Syracuse, 1914, 50
Kaufmann, Anna L., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 57
Kaufmann, Anna Louise, Syracuse, 1914, 19
Kaufmann, Elizabeth A., Syracuse, 1914, 17
Kaufmann, F. Y., Syracuse, 1914, 51
Kaufmann, Franklin, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 50
Kaufmann, Franklin, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 60
Kaufmann, Franklin J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 58
Kaupp, Henry, Syrdenso, NY., 1898, 23
Keane, Margaret G., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 32
Keane, Thomas F., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 52
Kearney, Edw., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 25
Kearney, Mrs. L. E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 40
Kearney, Mrs. Thomas E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 45
Kearney, Thomas E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 50
Keeffe, Bernadine, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 32
Keene, Florence, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 62
Kehfeld, Julia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 66
Keith, Castle, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 58
Keith, Dancy, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 46
Keledjian, Jack, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 27
Kelleher, Thomas, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 52
Keller, Leah, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 31
Kellett, Kathleen, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1921, 39
Kelley, Hazen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 22
Kellogg, Minnie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 46 [duplicate entries, same person; one entry crossed out]
Kelly, Henry John, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 26
Kemp, Ella, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 35
Kemp, Minnie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 45
Kempf, Otto, Syracuse, N.Y, 1908, 37
Kemsley, Ada, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1911, 40
Kemsley, Ivy, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1911, 11
Kennedy, Mrs. William, Syracuse, N. Y., 1911, 53
Kennedy, Patrick, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 49
Kennedy, W. L., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 26
Kennedy, William, Syracuse, N. Y., 1911, 47
Kennzlen, Albert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1892, 32
[Kent] Gere, Frances Kent, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 24
Kenyon, Florence W, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 66
Kenyon, George G, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 68
Kenyon, George G., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 65
[Kenyon] Hyde, Georgia Kenyon, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 17
Kenyon, Kathrine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 75
Kenzura, Antoni, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1912, 26
Kenzura, Helena, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., claims U.S. birth, 1912, 0
Kenzura, Wladyslawa, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., claims U.S. birth, 1912, 2
Kenzura, Zofia, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1912, 22
Keobusiak, Seadwig, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 20
Kerr, Mary C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 36
Kerr, Walter B., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 41
Kerrigan, Patrick J., Syracuse N.Y. U.S.A., 1914, 25
Kershaw, D A, Syracuse, NY, 1916, 27
Kesel, Emma, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 52
Kesel, Jacob, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 59
Kesselring, Magdalena, Syracuse, N. Y., America, 1910, 49
Kessler, Carolina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1900, 11
Kessler, Katherina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1900, 44
Ketchen, Mary, Syracuse, New York, 1915, 42
Kettle, John, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1923, 41
Kevand, Elizabeth, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 35
Kevand, Julius, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 47
Kevand, Margaret, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 6
Kidde, Jeannette C., Syracuse, NY, USA, 1920, 24
Kieffer, Charles, Syracus, NY, 1913, 68
Kieffer, Mrs. Charles, Syracus, NY, 1913
Kiggins, Raymond, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 28
Kijek, Josef, Syracuse, N. Y., USA, 1912, 30
Kijetz, Jakob, Syracuse, America, 1913, 27
Killion, Ethel, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 21
Killius, Clara, Syracuse, NY, 1923, 29
Killius, Emil, Syracuse, NY, 1923, 32
Kim, Mark, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 55
Kimmey, Ina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 45
Kincaid, Ada I., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 31
Kincaid, Leslie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 37
[King] Hescocz, Mrs. Albert King, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 38
King, Annie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 64
King, Clara S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 55
King, Elizabeth, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 48
King, Frank, Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A., 1909, 31
King, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 35
Kingsley, Emma, Syracuse, 1892, 45
Kirk, Arthur, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 32
Kirk, Ethel, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 8
Kirk, Marian, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 33
Kirsch, Frederik, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 10
Kirsche, Carl, Syracuse, 1914, 39
Kirsche, Hermann, Syracuse, 1914, 8
Kirsche, Rosa, Syracuse, 1914, 29
Kirtland, George, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 48
Kirtland, Mary E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 48
Kisor, Bertha M., Syracuse, NY, 1924, 30
Klamm, Georg, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 59
Klamme, Auguste, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 9
Klamme, Auguste, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 50
Klamme, Charles, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 50
Klein, Josef, Syracuse, N. Y., 1892, 58
Klein, Justine, Syracuse, 1892, 51
Klein, Laura, Syrbmas, 1902, 17
Klein, Lena, Syracuse, 1892, 21
Klein, Oscar, Syracuse, 1913, 37
Klimkiewics, Roman, Syracuse, NY, 1923, 30
Kline, Harold G., Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 47
Klitsch, Auguste, Syracuse, USA, 1908, 11
Klitsch, Julie, Syracuse, USA, 1908, 53
Knapp, Edward J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 57
Knapp, Edward Jacob, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 54
Knapp, H. M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 33
Knapp, Katarine, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 20
Knapp, Mary E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 47
Knapp, Mary Elizabeth, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 44
Knecht, Gottlieb, Syracouse, New York, 1922, 31
Knenzlen, Albert, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 52
Knieser, Herbert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 4
Knieser, Olga, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 33
Knodel, Karl, Syracuse, N.Y., 1902, 58
Knox, Catherine, Syracuse, NY, 1907, 18
Koba, Anna, Syr..., 1903, 25
Koba, Jonann, Syr..., 1903, 3
Koba, Otto, Syr..., 1903, 0
Koch, Gertrude, Syracuse, N.Y, 1912, 39
Koch, Jacob, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 60
Koch, Louise, Syracuse, N.Y, 1912, 8
Kohn, Charles, Syracuse, America, 1910, 3
Kohn, Edward, Syracuse, America, 1910, 2
Kohn, Israel Mari, Syracuse, America, 1910, 37
Kohn, Leopold, Syracuse, America, 1910, 35
Koivu, Maria, Syroaa, 1905, 16
Kolakowski, Albin, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 36
Kolbe, Helen, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 24
Kolbe, Lillian, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 54
Kolsky, George, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 30
Konig, Georgine, Syracuse, NY., 1898, 30
Konig, Ulrich, Syracuse, NY, 1898, 30
Konstantinoff, Kristo, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 32
Koon, Charles, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 25
Kopp, George John, Syracuse, U S A, 1909, 27
Kopp, Shepard S., Syracuse, New York, 1922, 26
Kopsi, Salim, Syracuse, USA, 1907, 35
Korber, Elisabeth, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 38
Korber, Elizabeth, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 34
Kord, Clarence, Syracus, N.Y., 1916, 32
Korowicki, Konstantyn, Syracuse, U.S., 1920, 25
Korthas, Agnes, Syracuse, N.J., 1922, 25
Korthas, August, Syracuse, N.Y., 1907, 44
Korthas, Eliasabeth, Syracuse, N.J., 1922, 32
Korthas, Mathilde, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 59
Kotowski, Joseph, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 32
Kotula, Karol, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 27
Kotula, Wanda, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 2
Kotula, Zofia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 21
Kowalski, Adam, Syracuse, U. S., 1912, 42
Kowalik, Andrzej, Syrardza, 1902
Kowalski, Alexander, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1920, 32
Kowalski, Antoni, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 42
Koztawski, Jan, Syracuse, NY., 1920, 28
Kraft (Kräft), Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1903, 21
Kragh, Ernst, Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A., 1915, 46
Krajewski, Franciszka, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 19
Krajewski, Franciszka, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 20
Krajewski, Maryan, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 31
Kraszewski, Charley, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1920, 27
Kratz, John, Syracuse, 1906, 57
Krause, Erna, Syracuse, New York, Us, 1912, 30
Krebs, Jakob, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 73
Krist, Vasil, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 29
Kristovitch, Maria, Syracuse, NY, US America, 1922, 26
Kristovitch, Slavka, Syracuse, NY, US America, 1922, 5
Kristovitch, Vanguelitsa, Syracuse, NY, US America, 1922, 7
Kristovitch, Zorka, Syracuse, NY, US America, 1922, 3
Krol, Stanley, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1920, 31
Kronkhite, Myrtle L., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 22
Krowinska, Wincenty, Syracuse, N.Y., America, 1913, 35
Krystoforska, Mary, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 22
Kubik, Adam, Syracuse, N.Y., America, 1913, 25
Kuenzlen, Albert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 61
Kuhl, Catharine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1898, 43
Kuhl, Gertrude, Syracuse, N.Y., 1898, 43
Kuhn, Elmer, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1909, 26
Kuhnreich, Louis, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1910, 20
Kuliceck, Albertine, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 30
Kunkel, Colestin, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 60
Kunkel, Elizabeth, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1914, 19
Kuntz, George, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 30
Kupa, Jan, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 25
Kurtz, Johann, Syracuse, 1910, 23
Kusmierzyrk, John, Syracuse, NY., 1920, 26
Kuswiler, Albert, Syracuse, New York, 1909, 49
Kuver, August, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 62
Kuzuiah, Ketazuk, Syracuse, N.Y., America, 1912, 23
Kyriacou, Michel, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 38
Kyser, Kathryn Belle, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 40


La Bella, B. Battista, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 30
La Face, Sperato, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 29
La Macchia, Giuseppa, Syracuse, N.Y, 1923, 32
La Macchia, Giuseppe, Syracuse, 1902, 30
La Scala, Filippo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 38
LaRouche, Alice A., Syracuse, NY, 1911, 25
Laas, Gustav, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 54
Labello, G. Battista, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 34
Labro, Thanas, Syracuse, U.S., 1910, 37
Lagna Fietta, Andrea, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 7
Lagna Fietta, Luigi, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 9
Lagna Fietta, Maria, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 1
Lagna Fietta in Lagna Fietta, Andreina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 31
Laguardia, Giuseppe, Syracuse, NY, 1923, 49
Lahouratate, Jean, Syracuse, USA, 1924, 33
Laighton, Ada, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 48
Laighton, Lewis F., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 47
Lalor, Percy Marcy, Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 30
Lamar, William, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 51
Lambert, Eva, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 34
Lambert, Michael, Syracuse, USA, 1913, 24
Lampon, America, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 46
Lancaster, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 21
Lancaster, Sarah, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 82
Lancaster, Sarah H., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 76
Lance, Janet, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 21
Landert, Emma, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 36
Landren, Francisco, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 19
Landren, Jose, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 22
Landretto, Firnano, Syrorrose, 1902, 32
Landron, Francisco, Syracuse, N Y, 1922, 18
Landron, Jose, Syracuse, N Y, 1922, 21
Lane, Thos., Syracuse, NY, 1906, 55
Lang, Carl, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 46
Lang, Clara, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 11
Lang, Clara, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 21
Lang, Florence, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 9
Lang, Florence, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 19
Lang, Karl, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 36
Lang, Pauline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 36
Lang, Pauline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 46
Langdon, Emma, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 40
Langdon, Katherine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25
Lanieri, Domenico, Syracuse, NY, US, 1906, 26
Lanni, Nicola, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 28
Lanno, Pasquale, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 43
Lansafame, Alfio, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 20
Lanzafame, Alfio, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 20
Lanzafame, Antonia, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 11
Lanzafame, Carmela, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 12
Lanzafame, Concetta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 7
Lanzafame, Grazia, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 9
Lanzetta, Anaide, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 40
Lanzetta, James, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 52
Lapham, William Grey, Syracuse, USA, 1909, 38
Laporta, Angelo, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1916, 30
Larned, Linda, Syracuce, Ny., 1924, 70
Larrabee, Marshall, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 9
Larrabee, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 8
Larrabee, William H., Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 37
Larsen, Christian, Syracuse, N. Y., USA, 1911, 28
Larson, Amelie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 26
Larson, Louise, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 4
Larson, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 2
Larsson, Emma Christina, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 35
Larsson, Emma Christine, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 35
Lasiner, Howard P., Syracuse, NY, 1906, 35
Laszzi, Domenico, Syracuse, U.S., 1914, 27
Latocka, Franciszka, Syracuse, N Y, 1923, 21
Latterner, Peter, Syracuse, N. Y., 1908, 52
Lauder, Annie, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 64
Laurer, Barbara, Syracuse, New York, 1909, 40
Laurer, F.A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 26
Laurer, George, Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A., 1920, 52
Lavigna, Michele, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 43
Lavrabee, William, Syracuse, N. Y., 1914, 37
Lawless, Margaret E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 55
Lawrie, Agnes, Syracuse, USA, 1921, 68
Lawson, Elicia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 49
Lawson, Elicta, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 49
Lawson, James, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 48
Lawson, James, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 48
Lawyer, Frank A., Syracuse, 1920, 49
Lay, Merevian, Syracuse, N Y, 1919, 41
Lazor, Dimitri, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 29
LeBrum, Dorothy, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 11
LeBrun, Nellie M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 41
[Le Count] Bevin, Ada Le Count, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 57
[Le Grand] Rees, Bird Le Grand, Syracuse, NY, 1917, 37
Le Veillie, Norbert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 24
Leavery, Elizabeth, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 47
Leavery, Francis, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 24
Lee, Carolyne, Syracuse N. Y., 1913, 40
Lee, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y, 1910, 35
Lee, Frances, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 32
Lee, Francis, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 32
Lee, Frank, Syracuse, 1915, 30
Lee, Raymond, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 0
Lee, Raymonde, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 0
Lee, Rena, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 58
Legawiec, Alexander, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 4
Legawiec, Stanislaw, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 3
Legawski, Franciszek, Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A., 1910, 41
Leger, Beatrice, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 32
Lehmann, Alexander, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 11
Lehmann, Gottfd, Syracuse, 1900, 38
Leighton, Emma, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 25
Leighton, Laurence C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 28
Leighton, Lawrence J., Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 27
Leinwand, August, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 27
Leinwand, August, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 3
Leinwand, Carl, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 0
Leinwand, Wilhelme. O., Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 30
Lelle, Giovanni, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 61
Lemanna, Carmine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 26
Lengsen, Heiko V, Syrakuse, NY, 1922, 73
Lent, Richard D., Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 20
Leo, Caterina, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 25
Leo, Domenico, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 35
Leo, Domenico, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 28
Leo, Margherita, Syracuse USA, 1910, 2
Leoci, Paolo, Syracuse, U S A, 1913, 23
[Leon] Ortiz Leon, Anselno, Syracuse, New York, 1919, 19
Leon, Cora, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 50
Leon, Miguel, Syracuse, US, 1908, 47
Leonard, Anne, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 56
Leonard, Charlotte, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 56
Leonard, George, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 37
Leonard, Margt. D., Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 33
Leonard, Mary, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1909, 23
Leonardi, Sebastiano, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 36
Leone, Natale, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 38
Leszezynski, Stanley, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1920, 45
Levans, Lillian, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 25
Levy, Carrie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912
Levy, J. Harris, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912
Levy, Jacob J., Syracuse, NY, 1913, 34
Levy, Marcelle G., Syracuse, NY, 1913, 22
Lewis, A. F., Syracuse, N.Y., 1903
Lewis, Caroline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 70
Lewis, Charles Henry, Syracouse, N Y, 1923, 53
Lewis, Jay, Syracuse, N. Y., 1911, 16
Lewis, John, Syracus, N. York, 1919, 34
Lewis, Mary Elizabeth, Syracouse, N Y, 1923, 54
Lewis, Samuel, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 22
Leyfact, Anna, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 84
Lichtenberg, Asta M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1918, 40
Lichtenberg, Eugene, Syracuse, N. York, 1919, 24
Lichtenberg, Eugene, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 26
Lichtenberg, Herninne, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 20
Lichtenberg, Karen, Syracuse, N.Y., 1918, 10
Lichter, Marie, Syr, Luxembourg, 1910, 24
Lichter, Thomas, Syr, Luxembourg, 1910, 25
Liddiard, Eleanor E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 45
Liddiard, Walter N., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 11
[Liddle] Taylor, Elizabeth Liddle, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1924, 36
Liddy, William L., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 43
Liepke, August, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 27
Liepke, Franz, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 0
Liepke, Johann, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 2
Liepke, Justine, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 23
Liess, Otto, Syracuse, N.Y., 1908, 33
Light, Morris, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 61
Light, Morris, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 64
Lightbourn, Lena, Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A., 1909, 45
Lightbourn, Line, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 48
Liljequist, Anders, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 38
Limberger, Rosalie, Syracuse, 1904, 30
Limlowski [Lindaniski?], Helena, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 16
Lindabaum, Marcus, Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 47
Lindemer, Altamae, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 23
Lindemer, George, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 30
Lindhorst, Florence, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 16
Lindhorst, Gertrude, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 7
Lindhorst, Helen, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 38
Linsley, Daniel R., Syracuse, New York, 1913, 27
Lipe, Charles, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 20
Lipe, Charles, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 20
Lipkiewcz, Mike, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1920, 46
Lippke, Anna, Brodsack [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1904, 8
Lippke, Elisabeth, Brodsack [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1904, 29
Lippke, Franz, Brodsack [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1904, 10
Lippke, Helene, Brodsack [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1904, 9
Lippke, Johann, Brodsack [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1904, 37
Lippke, Johann, Brodsack [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1904, 6
Listman, Charles, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 71
Listman, Charles, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 72
Listman, Charles, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 61
Listman, Charles, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 62
Listman, Kate, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 70
Listman, Kate, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 71
Litnik, Marya, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1914, 24
Littlehales, Florence I., Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 32
Littlehales, Mary Ann, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 66
Littlewood, John A., Syracuse, USA, 1913, 37
Littlewood, John D., Syracuse, N. Y., America, 1909, 32
Livadas, Gerassimos, Syracuse, N..., 1914, 34
[Livingston] Mitchell, Frank Livingston, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 39
Lo Surdo, Grazia, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 15
Lo Tito, Francesco, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 34
Lodder, Nellie Edell, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 35
Loebau, John, Syracuse, 1892, 17
Logan, Katherine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 41
Logan, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 55
Loibel, Robert, Syracuse, 1896, 18
Lombardi, Luigi, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 42
Lombardini, Paolo, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1909, 42
Lombardo, Antonietta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 23
Lombardo, Francesco, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 16
Lombardo, Frank, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 23
Lombardozzi, Maria, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 18
Lombardozzi, Michele, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 24
Lonecki, Antoni, Syracuse, U. S., 1913, 38
Longo, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 36
Longo, Domenico, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 2
Longo, Giuseppe, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 30
Loos, Anna, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 66
Loos, Conrad, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 73
Lopez, Rafael, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 22
Lopez, Rafael, Syracuse, Ohio, 1920, 21
Lopez Vega, Rafael, Syracuse, N.Y., 1917, 19
Lorben, Howard J., Syracuse, 1920, 22
Lorber, Howard John, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 21
Losito, Nicola, Syracuse, NY, U.S.A., 1913, 28
Losurito, Pietro, Syrayuse, 1900, 24
Loughney, Michael, Syracuse, America, 1914, 26
Lovell, Eulalie, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 16
Lowes, John, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 9
Lowes, Robert, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 6
Lowes, Sarah J., Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 40
Lowther, Lola Edith, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 38
Luatoni, Pietro, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 34
Ludwig, Johann Anton, Syracuse, 1900, 26
Luhde, Richard, Syracuss, N.Y., 1912, 39
Luick, Bridget, Syracuse, America, 1908, 29
Luick, Hannah, Syracuse, America, 1908, 32
Lull, Edward, Syracuse, N. Y., 1907, 40
Lull, Johann, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 13
Lull, Maria, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 49
Lull, Maria, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 4
Lull, Martin, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 10
Lull, Rosa, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 15
Lull, Wilhelm, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 56
Lundy, May, Syracuse, 1913, 29
Luszcz, Stanislaw, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 28
Luther, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 59
Lutz, Frederick Herman, Syracuse, NY, 1916, 28
Lutz, Paulina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 45
Lux, Marguerite, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 34
[L]uisa, ,[Graziano Pizza, Luisa] Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 24
Lynch, Annie, Syracuse, America, 1910, 35
Lynch, Daniel F., Syracuse, New York, 1920, 32
Lynch, Margaret M., Syracuse, New York, 1920, 34
Lynch, Timothy, Syracuse, 1920, 40
Lynch, Veronica M., Syracuse, New York, 1920, 6

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