
German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Syracusans arriving at Ellis Island, New York, 1892-1924

Surnames G - I

The following names of passengers specifying Syracuse as their home (or in some cases, their destination) were extracted in 2005 by M. Stone from the Ellis Island website at: with the help of Stephen P. Morse's excellent search engines at: and

For more information, check the original passenger manifests at the Ellis Island website or the microfilmed records of the National Archives. No guarantee or warranty of completeness or accuracy is implied.



Gabel, Jacob, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 62
Gabel, Leona, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 28
Gabel, Leona C, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 27
Gabel, Leona C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 29
Gabrielson, Andreas, Syracuse, N. Y., 1906, 66
Gackney, Catherine, Syracuse, America, 1910, 30
Gaeckel [Jaeckel], Fred W., Syracuse, N.Y, 1908, 38
Gaffney, Mary L., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 50
Gaffney, Thomas M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 54
Gaggin, Edwin Hall, Syracuse, N.Y., 1905, 38
Gais, Carrie, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 42
Gais, Marks, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 54
Galeazzi, Nicolantonic, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 36
Galigher, Guy B., Syracuse, U. S. A., 1908, 48
Gallagher, Barbara, Syracuse, USA, 1913, 32
Gallagher, Nora, Syracuse, USA, 1913, 33
Gallaurese, Antonio, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1912, 37
Gallucci, Saverio, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 28
Gannon, M. P., Syrakuse, NY, 1906, 45
Garcia, Victor M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 20
Gardner, Anna, Syracuse NY, 1921, 70
Gardner, Bettie, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1923, 31
[Gardner] Rankin, Duncan Gardner, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 26
Gardner, Ella, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 65
Gardner, Harold, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1923, 34
Gardner, Walter, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 73
Gargia, Carmine, Syracuse, NY, 1911, 38
Garofalo, Pasquale, Syracuse, 1903, 40
Garrett, Frank A, Syracuse, 1924, 71
Garrett, Minnie S, Syracuse, 1924, 68
Garrison, ...liff, Syracruse, U.S.A., 1909, 30
Garrison, ...liff, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 34
Garrison, Florence, Syraquse, N. York, 1924, 32
Garrison, Leroy, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 33
Garthe, Minnie, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 36
Garufi, Guiseppe, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S., 1912, 22
Gastel, Jacob P., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 53
Gasttel, Ella, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 60
Gates, Lt. Gilman J., Syravuse, N.Y., 1922, 36
Gaudio, Antonio, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 33
Gaudio, Salvatore, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 58
Gaw, Elwood, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1919, 21
Gaylord, Cora, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 48
Gaylord, Henry, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 51
Geis, Casper, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 56
Geis, Ottilie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 58
Gelaff, Costa, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 26
Gelaff, Yianna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 24
Gelormini, Otto, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 26
Gendle, Allan L., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 30
Georgiades, Theodor, Syracuse, USA, 1924, 46
Georgion, Apostol, Syracuse, N. Y., 1910, 21
Gerardo, Sabatino, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1920, 32
Gerber, Abe, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 25
Gerber, Sam, Syrakus, N.Y., USA, 1914, 21
Gere, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 50
Gere, Edwin C., Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 33
Gere, Emabella, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 44
Gere, Frances, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 58
Gere, Frances Kent, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 24
Gere, Katharine A, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 57
Gere, Katherine G., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 70
Gere, William B., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 45
Gerni, Frederik, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 61
Gersbacher, Minnie E, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 36
Gerst, Hugo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 48
Gerst, Leopold, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 43
Gerst, Philippine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 48
Getchev, Georges, Syracuse, USA, 1923, 40
Ghicheff, Dimitri, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 35
Giacchetti, Giovanni, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 30
Giambattista, Francesco, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 23
[Giambattista] Colucci Giambattista, Lucia, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1914, 21
Giambattiste, Mariangelo, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1914, 27
[Gianatassio] De Martino, Antonetta (Gianatassio), Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 34
Gibbs, Henrietta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 52
Gibson, Robert, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 28
Gibson, Robert, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 40
Gifford, Elizabeth, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 55
Gilbert, Agnes, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1913, 28
Gilbert, Robert, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1913, 6
Gilcher, Catherine, [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1908, 57
Gilcher, Mathilde, [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1908, 19
Gilfillan, Robert, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 29
Gilinsky, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 28
Gilinsky, Sarah, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 20
Gillespie, Ella, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 41
Gillespie, Helen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 15
Gillespie, Robert M., Syracuse. N.Y., 1922, 45
Gillespie, Ruth, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 17
Gillgallon, Bartholomew, Syracuse, 1912, 60
Gillmeister, Frederick, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 35
Gilmer, William, Syracuse, USA, 1907, 46
Gilpin, Harriet, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 45
Gilpin, James, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 8
Giminski, Anna, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 23
Giminski, Valentine, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 60
Gintzel, Irena, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 11
Gintzel, Karl, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 54
Gintzel, Katharina, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 50
Girona, Juan R., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 21
Giunta, Grazia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 57
Giunto, Antonia, Syracuzo, NY, 1910, 3
G...lly, Michael, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1912, 55
Gladysz, Peter, Syracuse, NY, 1907, 3
Gladysz, Rosalie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1907, 22
Gladysz, Stanislaw, Syracuse, N.Y., 1907, 1
Glahn, Louise, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 32
Glahn, Louise, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 27
Glansdorp, Jacob, Syracruse, USA, 1907, 40
Gleason, John, Syracuse, N. Y., 1910, 48
Gleason, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 37
Gleeson, Edmond, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1907, 36
Gleeson, Edward, Syracuse, 1907, 37
Gleeson, Hannah, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1907
Gleeson, Nora, Syracuse, 1907, 36
Glen, Carolyn, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 45
Glen, Willard A., Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 48
Glen, Willard J., Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 10
Glia, Papa Alexis, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 24
Gloss, Mary, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 34
Goettel, Fudolin, Syracuse, New York, 1914, 21
Goettel, John, Syracuse, New York, 1914, 48
Goettel, Karl, Syracuse, New York, 1914, 19
Goetz, Augusta, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 30
Goldacker, Anna M., Syrcause, NY, 1914, 64
Goldacker, Flora, Syrcause, NY, 1914, 38
Goldacker, John, Syrcause, NY, 1914, 67
Goldberg, Eli, Syracuse, 1920, 26
Goldeberg, Eli, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 26
Golden, Ellen, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 39
Goldrick, William Bosley, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 20
Goldring, Mary, Syracuse, 1903, 52
Goldstein, Nathan, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 33
Goldstein, Samuel, Syracus, N.Y., 1911, 69
Goodson, Samuel, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 52
Goodwin, Alfred C., Syracuse, N.Y. U.S.A., 1912, 37
Goodwin, Alfred C., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1920, 45
Goodwin, Alfred C., Syracuse, USA, 1921, 47
Gordon, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 39
Gordon, William, Syracuse, New York, U.S.A., 1919, 19
Gottstein, Cornelius, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1922, 50
Gottstein, Marie J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 22
Gottstein, William Carl, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 21
Goudy, Louis, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 21
Gough, Alfred, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1909, 58
Gowarski, John, Syracuse, 1892, 23
Gowland, Wm. G., Syracuse, New York, 1914, 41
Graamans, Henderik, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 43
Graamans, Willem, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 41
Grabowski, Felix, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1922, 28
Grabowski, Julius, Syracuse, N.Y., 1907, 57
Grace, Mary D., Syracuse, NY, 1913, 59
Graff, Clara Helen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 56
Graham, Richard, Syracuse, NY, 1919, 48
Gralewski, Bonifacius, Syracuse, N. Y., 1911, 24
Grant, Helen, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 20
Grasdina, Emanuele, Syracusa, Stati Uniti, 1912, 39
Grathwohl, Julia, Syrakuse, NY, 1908, 44
[Gratia] Wiley, Marian Gratia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25
Gray, George P., Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 47
Gray, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 43
Gray, Mary, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 47
Gray, Winifred, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 28
[Graziano Pizza, Antonio] [A]ntonio, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 4
Graziano Pizza, Clementina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 46
[Graziano Pizza, Donato] [D]onato, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 6
[Graziano Pizza, Luisa] [L]uisa, , Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 24
Greco, Carmelo, Syracuse, 1903, 41
Green, Andrew H. J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 47
Green, Dickson, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 27
Green, Dorothy, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 23
Green, Emma, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 73
Green, George N., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 23
Green, George Nelson, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 25
Green, Hallie S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 25
Green, Joseph D., Syracuse, D.C., 1911, 57
Greenfield, Lillian, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 30
Greenland, Herbert, Syraacuse, NY, 1922, 69
Greenland, Herbert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 61
Greenland, Herbert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 71 [duplicate entries, same person; one crossed out]
Greenland, Marietta, Syracuse NY, 1922, 58
Greenland, Marietta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 61 [duplicate entries, same person; one crossed out]
Greenland, Marietta, Syracuse, New York, 1914, 51
Gretwehl, Julia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 59
Greulich, Leo, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 64
Greveldinger, Nicolaus, Syr, 1903, 32
Grey, Charlotte, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 27
[Grey] Lapham, William Grey, Syracuse, USA, 1909, 38
Griesbach, Louise, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 39
Griffin, Catherine, Syracuse, USA, 1914, 24
Griffin, Charles Lewis, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 52
Griffin, Ellen, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 24
Grigg, Michael, Syracuse, N.Y., 1907
Grimes, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 68
Grimes, John, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 60
Grimes, Louise, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 24 [duplicate entries, same person; one entry crossed out]
Grimsted, Carolyn, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 25
Grimsted, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 35
Grioli, Carmela, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 23
Grioli, Paolo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 32
Grogan, M. Teresa, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 20
Grondahl, Sofie, Syracuse, N. Y., 1915, 59
Gross, Otto, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 41
Grossman, Baretta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 59
Grossman, Hilda, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 22
Grossman, Martin, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 62
Grosso, Antonio, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 39
Grosso, Francesco, Syracuse, 1905, 44
Grosso, Giuseppe, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 40
Grosso, Rocco, Syracuse, 1905, 39
Groth, Carl, Syracuse, 1892, 28
Groth, Carl, Syracuse, 1892, 10
Groth, Caroline, Syracuse, 1892, 31
Groth, Ferd. [Ferdinand], Syracuse, 1892, 2
Groth, Friedr. [Friedrich], Syracuse, 1892, 6
Groth, Herm. [Hermann], Syracuse, 1892, 4
Groth, William, Syracuse, 1892, 8
Grub [Group], Abraham, Syracuse, N. Y., 1908, 64
Gruner, Arthur, Syracuse, 1897, 1
Gruner, Elsa, Syracuse, 1897, 21
Gruner, Martha, Syracuse, 1897, 27
Grynienicz, Vincent, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 33
Grzeszkiewicz, Stefan, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1920, 32
Gualtire, Guiseppe, Syracuse, N. Y. USA, 1909, 23
Guazzo, Federico, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 39
Guercio, Antonio, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1923, 36
Guercio, Giuseppe, Syracuse, N.Y, 1923, 27
Guider, John W., Syracuse, N.Y., 1902, 0
Guinness, Dorothy, Syracuse, 1914, 7
Guinness, John Floyd, Syracuse, 1914, 37
Gulick, John, Syracuse, 1900, 35
Gulli, Domenico, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 31
Gunger, August, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 50
Gurr, Ellen, Syracus, N.Y., 1921, 45
Gurr, George, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 50
Guzceoicz, Anthony, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1920, 19
Gvete, Stoytche, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S., 1907, 24
[Gwilyn?] Roberts, John Gwilyn, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 20
[Gwynn] Wiley, Fenevra Gwynn, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 54
Gwynn, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25


Haas, Jos, Syracuse, NY, 1906, 50
Haberle, Frank B., Syracuse, N. Y., 1908, 52
[Hakes] Barker, Lula H., Syracuse, NY, 1923, 33
[Hakes] Barker, Lula Hakes, Syracuse, N.Y., 1917, 28
Hadfield, Annie, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1924, 24
Hadfield, Frances, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1924, 29
Hadfield, Harold, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1924, 4
Hadfield, Winifred, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1924, 6
Hadley, Henry H., Syracuse, New York, 1924, 48
Hafermalz, Friedr., Syracuse, 1892, 35
Hafermalz, Hilda, Syracuse, 1892, 7
Hafner, Louis, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 19
Haft, Henry H., Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 30
Hagerty, Herbert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 42
Hagerty, Jane, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 32
Hagerty, Melanda, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 10
Hahling, Ernst, Syracuse, NY., USA, 1910, 25
Haight, John B., Syracuse, New York, 1922, 66
Halcomb, Charles Herbert, Syracuse, 1904, 45
Haley, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 36
Haley, James, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 33
Haley, Leon F., Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 39
Hall, Dorothy, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 38
[Hall] Gaggin, Edwin Hall, Syracuse, N.Y., 1905, 38
Hall, Elizabeth J., Syracuse, New York, 1924, 63
Hall, Florence, Syracus, N.Y., 1921, 58
Hall, Genevieve W., Syracuse, New York, 1924, 26
Hall, Herbert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 55
Hall, Lizzie E, Syrqcuse, NY, 1922, 56
[Hallam] Tuck, William Hallam, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 29
Hallett, Adelaide, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 64
Hallett, Ethel, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25
Halligan, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 38
Halsted, Kathleen, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 20
Halsted, Thomas Henry, Syracruse, New York, 1919, 53
Halton, Emma J., Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 44
Halton, Noah G, Syracuse, NY, 1923, 33
Halzer, Charles, Syracuse, New York, 1913, 44
Hamilton, Fred G., Syracuse, 1903, 23
Hammond, Samuel C., Syracuse, 1900, 57
Hanchett, Juliet, Syracuse, 1917, 61
Hanchett, Juliet B., Syracuse, NY, 1921, 64
Hanchett, Juliet E., Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 56
Hanchett, Zuhet E., Syracuse, N. Y., 1906, 49
Hancock, Clarence, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 39
Hancock, Clarence E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 36
Hancock, Emily S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 36
Hancock, John S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 6
Hancock, Marion, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 28
Hancock, Stewart, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 31
Hand, Mary, Syrcuse, N.Y., 1924, 32
Handross, Raulea, Syracuse USA, 1915, 29
Handy, Bryan, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 34
Handy, Caroline, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 57
Handy, Caroline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 58
Handy, Henry H.S., Syracuse, New York, 1923, 67
Handy, Henry, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 67
Hanford, Addie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 70
Hanford, Addie T., Syracuse, NY, 1923, 69
Hanford, George, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 65
Hanford, George, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 75
Hanford, George C., Syracuse, N. Y., 1916, 67
Hanford, George C., Syracuse, NY, 1923, 74
Hansen, Aage H. T. M., Syracuse, Denmark, 1921, 32
Hansen, Adolf, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 44
Hansen, Blanche, Syracuse, NY, 1906, 7
Hansen, Ella, Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 1912, 34
Hansen, Erhardt, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1922, 32
Hansen, Erhardt, Syrascuese, NY, USA, 1922, 32
Hansen, Flora, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 42
Hansen, Magda, Syracuse, USA, 1921, 27
Hansen, Marie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 14
Hansen, Paul H., Syracuse, USA, 1921, 5
Hansen, Sigrid, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 7
Hansen, Uilma, Syracuse, NY, 1906, 26
Hara, O. K. Grace, Syracuse, N. Y., 1911, 25
Harditt, Charles W., Syracuse, N. Y., 1911, 28
Hardy, Luther, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 31
Hargitt, Chas R. A., Syracuse, N. Y., 1911, 28
Harkins, Mary, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1924, 24
Harlow, W. Burt, Syracuse, NY, 1915, 59
Harlow, William, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 67
Harlow, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 65
Harlow, William, Syracuse, NY, 1917, 60
Harlow, William B., Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 60
Harlow, Wm. B., Syracuse, N.Y, 1914, 57
Harlow, Wm. B., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 56
Harnden, Emma, Syrakus, U.S.A., 1912, 60
Harnisch, Alice, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 23
Harper, Margaret, Syracuse, USA, 1921, 48
Harper, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 39
Harper, Savannah Kate, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 54
Harper, Susannah Kate, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1913, 57
Harper, Susannah Kati, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 57
Harper, Wallace, Syracuse, USA, 1921, 35
Harper, Wallace S., Syracuse, USA, 1921, 9
Harris, Abraham, Syracuse, 1921, 50
Harris, Ada, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 52
Harris, Anna, Syracuse, 1921, 49
Harris, Betty, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 1
[Harris] Barnard, Betty Harris, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 5
Harris, Emily, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 43
Harris Barhard, Ethel, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 32
Harris Barnard, Ethel, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 35
Harth, Clara, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 40
Hartley, H.N., Syracuse, 1905, 20
Hartung, Luis, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 63
Harvey, Eleanor, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 28
Harvey, Reginald, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 4
Harwisch, Elisabeth, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 57
Haubert, Henry, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 43
Haun, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 51
Haun, William H., Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 41
Haun, William H., Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 47
Hauswirth, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25
Haven, Knud, Syracuse, 1913, 34
Hawksworth, Eliza, Syracuse, 1913, 52
[Hawley] Scott, Walter Hawley, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 29
Hayes, Annie, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1907, 30
Hayes, David Francis, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 53
Hayes, Frank J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 30
Hayes, Gertrude, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 46
Hayes, Phillip, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 34
Hayes, Timothy, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1907, 35
Hayward, Bertha, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 47
Hayward, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 27
Hayward, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 45
Hazard, Barbara, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 19
Hazard, Dora, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 56
Hazard, Dora G. S., Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 48
Hazard, Dora G.S., Syracuse, NY, 1915, 51
Hazard, Dorothy, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 26
Hazard, Frederick R., Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 54
Hazard, Frederick R., Syracuse, NY, 1913, 55
Hazard, Frederick R., Syracuse, NY, 1915, 57
Hazard, John N., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 15
Hazard, Katharine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 32
Hazard, Katherine, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 22
Hazzard, John, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 27
Heck, Charles, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 46
Heckermann, Martha, Syracuse, New York, 1914, 19
Heenan, Dennis C., Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1909, 66
Heenan, Martin, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 70
Heffoiman, Blanch, Syracuse, 1914, 43
Heffron, Emily S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1912
Heffron, Marie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 71
Heffron, Mrs. John L., Syracuse, N.Y., 1912
Heim, Kathrine, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 39
Heimann, Isaac, Syracuse, N. Y., 1910, 51
Heiner, Charlotte, Syracuse, N.J., 1912, 1
Heiner, Ruth, Syracuse, N.J., 1912, 22
Heiner, Tessi, Syracuse, N.J., 1912, 22
Heizmann, Bernard, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 6
Heizmann, Berta, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 13
Heizmann, Emilie, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 2
Heizmann, Eugen, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 9
Heizmann, Ida, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 42
Heizmann, Leo, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 0
Heizmann, Otto, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 8
Heizmann, Otto, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 41
Heizmann, Rosa, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 19
Heizmann, Rosa, Syracuse, New-York, 1920, 71
Hekkema, Eleonore, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1921, 8
Hekkema, Ella, Syracuse, N.Y.; U.S.A., 1919, 36
Hekkema, Ellen, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1921, 39
Hekkema, Harry, Syracuse, N.Y.; U.S.A., 1919, 38
Hekkema, Hendrik, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1921, 41
Hekkema, Mary, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1921, 9
Helch, John, Syracuse, N.J., 1921, 33
Helch, Maria, Syracuse, N.J., 1921, 28
Helgeson, Anna, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 44
Helgesson, Carl Birger, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 35
Helm, Lettie, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 4
Hemmer, George N., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 35
Hemmer, Iva, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 36
Hemmer, Dr., G. N., Syracuse, 1924, 37
Hencke, Johann, Syracuse, N. Y., 1909, 47
Henderson, Catherine, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1916, 37
Hendrell, Augusta, Syracuse, NY, 1915, 28
Hendrell, Evelyn, Syracuse, NY, 1915, 4
Hendricks, Francis, Syracuse, 1914, 79
Heneghan, Jeanie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 44
Hennig, Boniface, Syracuse, NY, 1908, 32
Henry, Ellen, Syracuse, N.Y. America, 1911, 23
Henry, Estelle, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 23
Henry, Mary, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1909, 24
Hensel, Luise, Syracuse, 1905, 35
Henser, Charles, Syracuse, N. Y., 1914, 36
Herbert, William, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1912, 33
Herman, Benjamin, Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 62
Hernandez, Vicente, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1922, 26
Herr, Martin, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 35
Hervey, Florence, Syracuse, NY, 1917, 29
Hervey, Wallynn, Syracuse, NY, 1917, 37
Herzog, Rudolf, Syracuse, NY, 1908, 47
Hescock, Cornelia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 18
Hescocz, Mrs. Albert King, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 38
Hess, Georges, Syrause, NY, USA, 1912, 25
Hetherington, Eleanora, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 40
Hewitt, Katherine, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 40
Hickley, Bernard Francis, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 37
Hickman, Bert, Syraluse, N.Y., 1918, 36
Hier, Geo. S., Syracuse, N. Y., 1903
Hier, Mrs. Geo. S., Syracuse, N. Y., 1903
Hier, Miss, Syracuse, N. Y., 1903
Hildreth, Albert Henry, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 61
Hildreth, Katherine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 59
Hill, Mary, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 36
Hill, Nellie, Syrakus, 1907, 41
Hill, Rosewell L, Syrakus, 1907, 46
Hills, Alfred K., Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 40
Hills, Alfred K., Syracuse, NY, 1916, 39
Hills, Letitia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 38
Hine, Julia H., Syracuse, NY, 1914, 60
Hines, Lee C., Syracuse, New Jersey, 1912, 37
Hirsch, Marie, Syracuse, N Y, U S, 1909, 42
Hiscock, Cornelia K., Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 33
Hiscock, Gertrude F., Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 61
Hiscock, Luther A., Syracuse, New York, 1916, 23
Hobbs, Annie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 30
Hobson, Harriett, Syracuse, 1912, 59
Hobson, Thomas, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 32
Hodge, Dorothy, Syracuse, 1913, 4
Hodge, Edward, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 19
Hodge, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 19
Hodge, Winifred, Syracuse, 1913, 23
Hodges, Eric, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 9
Hodges, Ethel, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 31
Hodges, Wilson, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 6
Hodgkins, Henry C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 56
Hoes, Jessie M., Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 30
Hogan, Helen A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 32
Hogan, Thomas Leo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 29
Hohl, Anton, Syracuse, N. Y., 1905, 73
[Holden] Nottingham, Eloise Holden, Syracuse, 1904, 46
Holden Stewart, Luella, Syracuse, 1924, 65
Holl, Helbert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 47
Holligan, Wm., Syracuse, NY, USA, 1912, 30
Hollingsworth, Elsie, Syracuse, 1924, 53
Holm Berndt, Theodor E., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1908, 40
Holo, Angelo, Syracuse, 1903, 26
Holooya, William V., Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 26
Holroyd, William V., Syracruse, N.Y., 1910, 25
Holstein, Adolph, Syracuse, N.Y.C., 1921, 61
Holstein, Adolph M., Syracuse, New York, 1923, 63
Holstein, David M., Syracuse, 1923, 40
Holstein, Rosa, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 62
Holstein, Viola, Syracuse, 1923, 38
Holter (Molter? Molber?), Karl, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 41
Holter (Molter? Molber?), Ludwig, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 33
Holtz, Charles, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 32
Holz, Pierre, Syr, 1903, 22
Hommel, Charlotte, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 16
Hommel, Daisy, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 46
Hommel, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 60
Hookway, Ella M., Syracuse, N.York, 1923, 70
Hookway, Eva M., Syracuse, N.York, 1923, 38
Hookway, Mildred, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 19
[Hooper] Prole, Emily Hooper, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 52
Hoover, Horace E., Syraceuse, N. Y., 1922, 25
Hopton, Nellie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 60
Hopton, Nellie Whitlock, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 60
Horn, George, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 69
Horn, George, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 70
Hornayer, Conrad, Syracuse NY, 1900, 40
Horstmann, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 48
Hotaling, J. Benjamin, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 55
Hotchkiss, Russell, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 58
House, William, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 37
Hova, Antonietta, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 22
Hova, Antonio, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 28
Hova, Iolanda, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 0
Hova, Maria, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 3
Howard, Alice E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 60
Howard, Florence, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 23
Howe, H. Earle, Syracuse N. Y., 1913, 30
Howe, Jennie E., Syracuse N. Y., 1913, 38
Howlett, Ella, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 83
Howlett, Ella P., Syracuse, New York, 1913, 54
Howrath, Herbert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 44
Hubbard, Catherine F., Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 23
Hubbard, Geo. B., Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 53
Hudak, Stefan, Syracuse, N.Y., 1906, 37
Hudson, Elisabeth, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 25
Hudson, M. Elizabeth, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 36
Hudson, Martha, Syracuce, N.Y., 1924, 64
Hudson, Martha, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 52
Hudson, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 39
Hudson, Mary Elizabeth, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 34
Hughes, Anna S, Syracuse, New York, 1914, 60
Hughes, Edward, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 30
Hughes, Martin, Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 69
Hugo, Henry, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1914, 23
Hundohammer, Anna, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 29
Hundohammer, Bernhard, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 0
Hunt, Sarah, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 20
Hurley, Mary, Syracuse, New York, 1910, 55
Hurley, Patrick, Syracuse, USA, 1909, 45
Hurwitz, Bertha, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 53
Hurwitz, Elizabeth, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 20
Hurwitz, Morris, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 57
Hutchinson, Katherine, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 31
Hyde, Dana Cheney, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 37
Hyde, Florence Meachem, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 7
Hyde, Georgia Kenyon, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 17
Hyde, Naomi, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 27
Hyde, Nelson C., Syracuse, New York, 1923, 33
Hyde, Palem, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 75
Hyde, Patricia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 5


Iaccaria, Riofrio, Syracuse, S. Angelo, 1905, 61
Iaderosa, Antonio, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 37
Iannettone, Angela Maria, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 32
Iannettone, Antonio, Syracuse, U.S., 1922, 26
Iannettone, Ludovico, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 1
Iannucci, Angelo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 26
Iannuzzo, Diego, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1922, 29
Ierimonte, Michele, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 48
Igaravidez, Leonardo, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 18
Ignoto, Grazio, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 39
In...ich, Emilie, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1920, 34
Inascco, Giovanni, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 46
[Ingersoll] White, Ernest Ingersoll, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 51
Inglesi, Onofrio, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 3
Iozioia, Gzeslew, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1922, 5
Iozioia, Stefanja, Syracuse NY, U.S.A., 1922, 29
Iozioia, Wladyslaw, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1922, 9
Irish, Elmer V., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 52
Isgro’, Francesco, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 34
Izzo, Agostino, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 47

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