German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Naturalization Record of Frank Thomas Lipka/Liepka

in the book of NATURALIZED CITIZENS (Vol. 21, No. 4835)

Transcribed by M. Stone, June 8, 1994

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Naturalization Service
Petition and Record
Vol. 21
No. 4738


                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


                           DECLARATION OF INTENTION


          Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof.




State of New York    )                In the Supreme Court

                     ) ss.            of Onondaga County N.Y.

Onondaga County      )



      I, Frank Thomas Lipka [sic] aged 23 years, occupation laborer, do declare on oath that my personal description is:  Color white, complexion dark, height 5 feet 9 inches, weight 165 pounds, color of hair dark brown, color of eyes brown, other visible distinctive marks mole under right ear


      I was born in Wittland  W. Prussia Germany on the 17 day of June, anno Domini 1893; I now reside at 1201 N. State St., Syracuse, N.Y.


      I emigrated to the United States of America from Danzig Germany on the vessel do not remember; my last foreign residence was Wittland Germany;


      I am not married.


      It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, and particularly to William II German Emperor, of whom I am now a subject; I arrived at the port of New York in the State of New York, on or about the 19n [sic] day of Dec., anno Domini 1893; I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to permanently reside therein:  SO HELP ME GOD.


                              (signed) Frank Thomas Liepka [sic]


Subscribed and sworn to before me in the office of the Clerk of said Court this 4 day of June anno Domini 1917,


                              (signed) Henry S. Whitney

                                       Clerk of the Supreme Court


                                       By Ludwig Trage Jr., Depty Clerk.

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                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


No. 4835 [sic]


                          PETITION FOR NATURALIZATION



[extracts of information follow:]


name: Frank Thomas Lipka [sic]

residence: 600 Kirkpatrick St.

occupation: gas-fitter

born: 17th of June 1893 at Wittland W. Prussia Germany

emigrated to U.S. from Danzig Germany on or about the 9th day of Dec. 1893, arrived in the U.S. at the port of New York on 19th day of December 1893 on the vessel "do not remember"


Declared intention to become citizen on 4 June 1917 at Syracuse, NY in the Supreme Court of Onondaga County.


Married, wife's name is Anna, born 10 April 1894 at Syracuse, NY and now "resides with me."  Have no children.


Renounces particularly "the German Empire"


"Eighth. I am able to speak the English language."


Resided continuously in the State of New York since December 19, 1893.


                              (signed) Frank Thomas Liepka [sic]


Affidavits of Petitioner and Witnesses:


Charles Rechke, occupation Foreman residing at 102 Pond Lane NY


Leonard Schultz, occ. Repairman, residing at 147 John St.


Petition filed May 10, 1924


Certificate of Naturalization, No. 1985823, issued May 10, 1924.

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