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German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

German Businessmen in Syracuse, 1860 and 1874

The following excerpts of German surnames were made by M. Stone from the directories of the Onondaga County Atlasas of 1860 and 1874 made newly available online by William Hecht (many thanks to him for his generosity to the research community!). I make no guarantees of completeness, correctness in guessing at German surnames, or typographic perfection, so please check the original graphic scans provided by Mr. Hecht at the websites given below. In the meantime, this transcript provides a searchable database.

M. Stone’s Germans Excerpted from the “Syracuse City Directory” on the 1860 Map of the City of Syracuse by H. Wadsworth Clarke

Uploaded and copyright 2004 by William Hecht:

Onondaga County 1860 maps (index):

City of Syracuse 1860 map (with directory):

Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
J. F. Sabin, No. 8 S. Salina st.
H. Riegel, No. 10 S. Salina st.
W. V. Bruyn, No. 10 S. Salina st.
M. W. Brand, No. 7 Wieting Block
James Noxon, cor. Church and Salina sts.
D. & D. F. Gott, No. 15 Bastable Block
Ruger & Lester, No. 3 Bastable Block

Physicians and Surgeons
C. S. Goff, No. 10 Wieting Block

Dealers in Hats, Caps, &c.
E. [?]. & D. Z. Griswold, manufacturers of, and wholesale and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, Fancy Furs, No. 22 North Salina st. (Sign Big Tin Hat.)

D. B. Van Slyke & Co., dealers in Drugs, Medicines, and Groceries, 23 and 25 N. Salina st

Lucius Wright, Prop. Of Vorhees House.
P. I. Quackenbush, Prop. of Onondaga House.

I. M. Singer & Co. (A. C. Kasson, Ag’t) dealers in Sewing Machines, No. 48 S. Salina st.

M. Stone’s Germans Excerpted from “The Principal Business and Professional Men of the City of Syracuse, New York” (pages 101-104) of Sweet’s New Atlas of Onondaga County, New York (Walker Bros. & Co., New York, 1874)

Uploaded and copyright 2004 by William Hecht:

Sweet’s 1874 Atlas (index):

page 101:

page 102:

page 103:

page 104:

The Principal Business and Professional Men of the City of Syracuse, New York
(page 101):

E. Laass, 14 Wieting Block

Artists in Fresco, Polychrome, Oil and Encaustic
Henry C. Allewelt, 278 North Salina st
Henry C. Wenzlawski, 5 Jaycox st

John Demong, 2d Ward

First Nat. Bank, Bastable Block, over Post office. Capital $250,000. E. B. Judson, Pres’t; John Crouse, Vice Pres’t; George B. Leonard, Cashier.
Salt Spring Nat. Bank, North Salina st. Capital $200,000. A. A. Howlett, Pres’t; Jacob Crouse, Vice-Pres’t. T. J. Leach, Cashier
Merchants’ Nat. Bank, Wieting Block cor Salina and Water sts. Capital $180,000. R. Nelson Gere, Pres’t; Jas. A. Sherman, Vice-Pres’t’; E. R. Plumb, Cashier.
Mechanics’ Bank, 6 South Salina st. Capital $140,000. J. M. Ellis, Pres’t; Joel Thayer, Vice-Pres’t; T. B. Fitch, Cash’r.

State Bank of Syracuse, No. 3 basement Onondaga County Savings Bank building. Capital $100,000. John J. Crouse, Pres’t; D. P. Phelps, Vice-Pres’t; M. J. Myers, Cashier.

Billiard Rooms
John Maurer, 54 North Salina st

Baled Hay
J. H. Sweet, 8 Salt Block

Baggage Express
John W. Schuneman, American Express Office

Book Binders & Blank Book Manuf’rs
Philip Greenwald, Malcolm Block cor South Salina and R.R. sts.
August Koehler, 31, 33 and 35 Monroe Block, third floor

Blacksmiths and Horse Shoers
Schoeneck & Luipold, cor Water and Montgomery sts
John Glasheen, 22 and 24 North Warren st
Daniel Ackerman & Co., cor Lock and Ash sts

Booksellers and Stationers
Wynkoops & Leonard, 19 South Salina st
Moser & Lyon, 62 South Salina st

Boots and Shoes, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s, Retail
S. Rosenbloom & Sons, 31 East Genesee and 7 Warren sts
A.G. Alger, 61 East Genesee st

Boot and Shoe Manufacturers
Gray Brothers, cor Walton and Franklin sts.
Dunn, Salmon & Co., 15 Clinton st

Boots and Shoes, Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers
Dunn, Salmon & Co., 15 Clinton st
Ackerman & Skinner, 32, 34 and 36 West Washington st

Brewers of Lager Bier
Jacob Pfohl, cor Pond and Park sts
Xavier Zett, 407 Lodi cor Court st
Benedict Haeberle cor Butternut and McBride sts
Prospect Hill Brewery, cor Union and Laurel sts., H. Ackerman Propr
Rock Spring Brewery, Geddes; Jacob Mantel, Propr

Brick Manufacturers
R. Herriman, 47 West Onondaga st

Builders’ Supplies
H. N. Burhans, 13 James st. Sash, Blinds, Doors, Shutters, Mouldings, Trimmings, French and American Glass, &c.

Builder and Real Estate Dealer
Jacob Goettel, Jr., 15 John st

Box Manufacturers
Leeret & Blasdel, 168 and 170 East Water st.; Packing Boxes, House Brackets, etc.
J. B. & C. Bliss, Canal cor Catharine st.; A specialty, the manufacture of Packing Boxes, Mouldings, Brackets, &c.

Cabinet Pipe Organ Manufacturers
Cabinet Pipe Organ Co., West Onondaga cor Gifford st. J. C. Mix & J. Terwilliger, Proprs

Cabinet Organ Manufacturers
Improved Cabinet and Combination Organs, manufactured by Cook, Carpenter & Coleman. junct Onondaga and Gifford sts
X. Spang, 2 and 4 Noxon st. Organ and Melodeon Manufr

Candy Manuf’rs & Wholes’e Confec’rs
Walier, Erhard & Co., 42 and 44 Clinton st cor Walton

Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, &c.
S. A. Seager & Co., 63 and 65 South Salina street

Canal Officers
Abram Scouton, Canal Supt. Section 6, Erie
R. W. Stroud, Canal Commissioner
Charles A. Sweet, Division Engineer

Carriage & Wagon Manuf’rs & Repair’s
Daniel Ackerman & Co., cor Lock and Ash sts
Michael Reidy, 18 and 20 Mulberry st
J. M. Melius, 24 Walton st
George E. Marsh, 5 Church st

Carriage Manufacturers
Curtis & Sanwald, 13 Walton st

The Principal Business and Professional Men of the City of Syracuse, New York
(page 102):

Curtis & Sanwald, 13 Walton st; All style of Carriages; Light Work and Phaetons a specialty

Carriage, Coach and Wagon Painters
Charles R. Todd, 18 Mulberry st
Siver & Davis, 5 Church st. Late with Edward Holmes. Carriages of all descriptions neatly painted

City Officers
Philip Eckel, Chief Engineer, Fire Dept.
A. H. Hubbs, Overseer Poor

Civil Engineers and Surveyors
E. Laass, 14 Wieting Block

Cheese, Importers & Wholes’e Deal’s
J. C. & J. Surbeck, 51 East Water st

Cigar Machine Manufacturers
D. O. Salmon & Co., 36 West Genesee st, up stairs

Cigar Manuf’s and Tobacco Dealers
Hier & Aldrich, 31 and 33 North Salina st. Wholesale Depot for Western Tobacco
Seubert & Warner, 14 and 16 James st
D. O. Salmon & Co., 36 West Genesee st, up stairs
W. B. Herrick, Agt. 44 West Fayette st
John Demong, 167 North Salina st

Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c.
W. S. Herrick, 17 Vanderbilt square

Cider and Vinegar
Jacob Shuler, cor Croton and Mulberry sts. Manufr and Wholesale Dealer

Clothing, Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers
Swarthout, Ackerman & Co., 24, 26 and 28 North Salina st
M. Jacobs, 21 North Salina st
Danziger Brothers, 23 North Salina st

Clothing, Men’s, Boys & Youths, Retail
Swarthout, Ackerman & Co., 24, 26 and 28 North Salina st
M. Jacobs, 21 North Salina st
Danziger Bro’s, 23 North Salina st
I. H. Leyden, 9 North Salina st
William Wolf, Furnishing Goods. 6 and 8 North Salina st, Empire House corner
H. Jalonack, Gents’ Furnishing Goods. 3 Larned Block

County Officers
Chas. W. Ostrander, County Treasurer
H. Riegel, County Judge
Cyrus Sweet, Surrogate

Contractors, Railroad & Canal
E. B. Van Dusen & Co., 5 Pike Block

Cordage, Rope and Twines
L. L. Thurwachter, 15 James st. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer

Confectioners and Fancy Bakers
John S. Hoefler, 12 North Salina st. Ornamental Confectioner. Supplies weddings and parties in the finest style on short notice.

Contractors and Builders
A. L. Mason, 90 Court st
J. Grodavent, 30 North West st
Jacob Goettel, Jr., 15 John st

Contractors for Mason Work
Wm. Duffus, 94 Chestnut st

Coopers and Salt Barrel Manufacturers
A. H. Nutting, Lodi near Centre st. Salt Manufacturer
A. Tripp, 111 Centre st
Fred. Beley, 191 2d North st. All kinds of Barrels made to order
Gurdis Mason, 193 2d North st

Carving, Turning and Scroll Sawing
Gilbert Pellenz, rear 78 East Water st

Children’s Carriages
Waggoner & Eager, 26 and 28 West Fayette st

Dining Saloons for Ladies & Gentlemen
Brigham Saloon, cor Rail Road and South Salina sts. Frank Roraback [Rohrback ?], Propr
Wm. Deming, 26 West Rail Road st
Vroman House, 41 West Fayette, cor Franklin st

Dry Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, &c., Retail
N. Peters, Brother & Son, cor Pond and Lodi sts. Carpets, Groceries, Crockeryware, &c.
E. F. Rice, 41 South Salina st

Druggists, Retail
M. Bausinger, 70 East Genesee st, Barton Block. The largest Bleachery and Wax Candle Factory in the United States or Canada

Express Company
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Express Co., cor West Fayette and Clinton sts. J. S. Tallman, Agent

Furniture Manufacturers
Cook, Carpenter & Coleman, junction of Onondaga and Gifford sts. Church and Office Furniture a specialty

Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers
S. C. Hayden & Co., 69 South Salina st
Cook, Carpenter & Coleman, Onondaga and Gifford sts.
Loren C. Hayden, 81 South Salina st
Cloyde & Hoffman, 7 West Fayette st

Flour, Grain and Feed Dealers
William C. Gere, 43 and 45 East Water st. Pork Packer, Salt Manufr and Hay Presser
J. C. & J. Surbeck, 51 East Water st. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Cheese

Gas Company
The Gas Light Company of Syracuse, E. W. Leavenworth, Prest

Grocers, Wholesale
Jacob Crouse & Bros., 32, 34 and 36 West Water, and 8 and 10 Clinton sts

Groceries and Meat Markets
Jacob Sehl, cor. Gifford and Oswego sts

Groceries, Provisions, Teas, Coffees, Spices, &c.
Thomas Rice, 85 and 87 South Salina st

Hacks for Funerals, Weddings, Riding and Calling Parties
J. W. Lischer, 48 West Water st

Hair Dressing and Shaving Saloons
Frank Lang, Empire House Barber Shop
Nicholas Huber, Vanderbilt House Barber Shop

Hats, Caps, Furs, Straw Goods, &c., Retail
John Sabey, Jr., & Co., 18 East Genesee st

Hair Goods, Importers and Dealers
Henry Loftie, 39 and 41 South Salina st, and 397 Main st., Buffalo, N.Y.
M. Goldman, 68 South Salina st

Hats, Caps, Furs, Straw Goods, &c., Wholesale
John Sabey, Jr., & Co., 18 East Genesee st

Hardware, Cutlery & Guns, Wholesale and Retail
Everson, Frisselle & Co., 10 South Salina st
L. Schillinger & Co., 67 and 69 North Salina st

The Principal Business and Professional Men of the City of Syracuse, New York
(page 103):

Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Small Wares, &c., Wholesale
Neal, Baum & Co., 17 Clinton st

Hosiery, Underwear & Yarns
S. H. Starin, 70 South Salina st

Vanderbilt House, cor. Warren and Washington sts. J. L. Cook & Sons, Proprs
Onondaga Temperance House, cor Church and Salina sts. Henry Karker, Proprietor

Iron Founders and Machinists
Porter & Luther, 354 North Salina st

Iron and Steel Manufacturers
Sweet Manufacturing Co., West st., cor. of Otisco. Wm. A. Sweet, President

Iron Works—Architectural & Ornam’al
Schoeneck & Luipold, cor. Water and Montgomery sts

Iron Manufacturers
Syracuse Iron Works, cor Syracuse and Magnolia sts. and Canal. R. N. Gere, Pres’t; Charles E. Hubbell, Sec’y and Treas.
Onondaga Iron Co., north side Erie Canal, near Quince st., Geddes. J. J. Belden, President; R. N. Gere, Vice-President; W. H. H. Gere, Secretary and Treasurer

Insurance Agents
M. W. Hanchett, Wieting Block
Nichols & McCarthy, 1 Monroe Block, west end

Insurance Companies—Life
Continental Life Insurance Co., Assets $7,000,000. Hinman & Wheeler, Gen’l Agents, 1 Basement, Onondaga Co. Savings Bank Building

Ice Dealers
Excelsior Ice Company, cor. Water and Locust sts. Swan & Knapp, Proprs

George Pontius, Excelsior Laundry, cor. Walton st., and Franklin square

Locksmiths and Bell Hangers
S. M. Durston, 65 East Genesee st
Moses Frank, 93 East Genesee st

Leaf Tobacco
George P. Hier & Co., 25 North Salina st

Chamberlin & Knapp, 3 Onondaga Savings Bank Building
Noxon & Cowles, 6 and 7 Granger Block
Geo. R. Cook, County Clerk’s Office Building
Ruger & Jenney, 1 and 2 Granger Block
D. B. Keeler, 10 and 11 Granger Block
D. Bookstaver, Rooms 6 and 7, Stevens Block
D. F. Gott, 5 Clary Block
B. D. Noxon, Empire House

Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables
Soule & Bishop, 6 East Fayette st

Lumber—Pine, Walnut and Hardwood, Shingles, Laths, &c.
Klock & Wetmore, Furnace cor School st., Geddes

Meat Markets
Myron Hayden, 52 West Fayette st
J. Meldram, 36 Warren st
Jacob Gilcher, 105 North Salina st
John Engstler, cor Lodi and Butternut streets
Jacob Sehl cor Gifford and Oswego sts.

Merchant Millers
Jacob Amos & Sons, 41 West Water st

Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notions
B. Bronner & Co., 28 Clinton st. Importers and Wholesale Dealers.

Northern Christian Advocate, Remington Block. D. D. Lore
Syracuse Union (German Republican Weekly), A. von Landberg. 141 Salina st
Syracuse Central Demokrat (weekly) Jos. A. Hofmann & Son, 225 North Salina st. Passage Agents of the Hamburg Mail Steamship Line; also, Bremen and Guion Lines

Masquerade Costumer
Charles Woese, Room 32, Monroe Block, Vanderbilt square. Masquerade Costumes to rent and made to order

Merchant Tailors
Chester Hair, 46 South Salina st
A. S. Avery, 9 and 10 Vanderbilt square
Joseph Sniper, 183 North Salina st. Clothing made to order on short notice

Men’s Furnishing Goods and Manufacturers of Fine Shirts
P. J. Brumelkamp, 23 South Salina st
Ash & Cole, 11 South Salina st

Oysters, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, &c, Wholesale and Retail
J. E. Waldron & Co., 12 West Rail Road st

Painters, House, Sign and Ornamental
W. & F. Baumgras, 50 North Salina st. Artists, Coach and House Painters’ supply store, A. W. Faber’s Lead Pencils, Drawing and Wax Flower Materials.

The Principal Business and Professional Men of the City of Syracuse, New York
(page 104):

Paper Box Manufacturer
Philip Greenwald, Malcolm Block, cor Salina and Rail Road sts.

Painting, Decorating and Hard Wood Finisher
L. B. Hart, 81-1/2 East Jefferson st

Photograph Artists
Bonta & Curtis, 24 East Genesee st
W. V. Ranger, Wieting Opera House
Geo. H. Perrior, 64 and 66 South Salina street
Philip S. Ryder, 72 South Salina st

Physicians, Homeopathic
Joseph H. Turck, 52 Warren st
H. V. Miller, 51 Warren st

Physician, Eclectic
C. S. Totman, 45 West Genesee st

Henry D. Didama, 112 South Salina st
Alfred Mercer, 40 Montgomery st
M. D. Benedict, 37 Montgomery st
I. H. Searl, 38 East Onondaga st
M. Bausinger, M. D., 70 East Genesee st

Planing Mills—Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, &c.
Leeret & Blasdel, 168 and 170 East Water st
J. B. & C. Bliss, cor Canal and Catharine sts
Rathbone & Knapp, cor West and Walton sts. A steam heated Dry Kiln attached, and Veneered Doors made and warranted.
Jacob Shuler, cor Croton and Mulberry sts
Klock & Wetmore, Furnace cor School streets

Pork Packers
A. & H. H. Freeman, 9 Exchange street. Wholesale Dealers in Flour, Salt, Water Lime, Pork, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, Bacon, &c.

Printers—Book & Job
John P. Fralick & Co., 28 West Water st
Clark R. Rice & Co., 60 South Salina st
Joseph A. Hofmann & Son, 225 North Salina st

Portrait Painters
Geo. K. Knapp, 48-1/2 West Fayette st
Sanford Thayer, 10 Shonnard st
Henry C. Wenzlawski, 5 Jaycox st
Wm. S. Segar, 56 South Salina st
Albert Thomas, 24 Pike Block

Police Department
Wm. Baumgras, Police Commissioner
Fred. W. Deesz, Police Commissioner

Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, &c.
Weber Pianos and Estey Organs, Leiter Brothers, sole Agents. 2 Wieting Opera House

M. B. Bannister & Son, 64 West Fayette street. Wholesale Dealers in Woolen and Cotton Rags, Metals, &c.

Real Estate Agents
Hinman & Wheeler, 1 Basement Onondaga Co. Savings Bank Building
A. T. Smith & J. W. Whittic, Office, Monroe Block; House, 34 East Fayette st

Restaurants and Dining Saloons
Pierce & Schryver, Everson, 6 West Washington st

Rubber Stereotype Works
Gould & Co., 61 south Salina st

Moses & Lyon, 62 South Salina st. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Blank Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, Printing and Engraving and Book Binding

Salt Manufacturers
A. H. Nutting, Lodi cor Wolf sts

Summer Garden
Prospect Hill Garden and Concert Hall, cor. Laurel and Union sts. H. Woese, Proprietor

Saddlery & Coach Hardware Manuf’rs
Duguid, Wells & Co., 31 and 33 West Water street, and 136 East Water street

Scale Works
Louis Walther, 57 North Salina st. Genl Agent for Howe’s U. S. Standard Scales

Carl Christian Ferdinand Otto, 113 Holland st

Seeds, Agricultural Implements, and Hardware
E. B. Crofut & Co., 19 East Water st. The Foster Seed Store, established 1841

Sausage Manufacturers
L. A. Fox, 46 Rail Road st & 81 E. Genesee st
Jacob Gilcher, 105 North Salina st

Stone Yards
Tanguay & Mason, cor South Salina and Jackson sts
Graff & Nies, Gifford st., near Onondaga Creek. Onondaga Indian Reservation Gray Lime Stone for Ornamental Monuments, Dwellings and Public Buildings

Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, House Furnishing Goods, &c.
Pease & Plaisted, 77 South Salina st
Waggoner & Eager, 26 & 28 W. Fayette st.
Lewis Schillinger & Co., 67 and 69 North Salina st

Shooting Gallery
O. G. Olney, 17 and 19 Franklin st

Sample Rooms—Choice Liquors, Ales, Wines and Cigars
Brigham Saloon, cor Rail Road and South Salina sts. Frank Roraback [Rohrbach ?], propr
Pierce & Schryver, Everson Block, 6 West Washington st
Besanson Brothers, 2 Jervis Block
Jos. Oringe, 197 East Washington st
Wm. Deming, 26 West Rail Road st
John Engstler, cor Lodi and Butternut streets
O. G. Olney, 17 and 19 Franklin st
Vroman House, 41 West Fayette corner Franklin sts
John Maurer, 54 North Salina st

Teas, Coffees, Spices &c.
Ostrander, Loomis & Co., 28 and 30 James st

S. A. Seager & Co., 63 and 65 South Salina street

Wax Work Manufacturers
M. Bausinger, 70 East Genesee st

Wood and Willow Ware
L. L. Thurwachter, 15 James st

Wood Market
J. H. Sweet, 8 Salt Block; near Oswego Canal Bridge and Hay Market. Kindling, Stove and Cord Wood, Baled Hay and Straw

Water Works
The Syracuse City Water Works, E. W. Leavenworth, Pres’t

Wines & Liquors, Importers and Wholesale Dealers
Tallman & Ross, 36 West Fayette st., and 19 Walton st
Burke & Henle, 72 East Genesee st
Jaycox & Fredericks, North Salina st
Munch & Baumer, 244 North Salina st
Thos. D. Green, 71 to 77 North Salina st

